In order to graduate, students are required to complete two separate internships, 20 working days per internship, 40 working days in total, in private or public institutions or organizations at the end of the fourth and sixth semesters of their education and training. Students are expected to complete these internships in software companies operating in Ankara or other large cities, as well as other technology companies or technoparks that produce software. It is planned that students’ personal, team and graduation project courses, which are spread throughout the Software Engineering program, will be carried out jointly with the companies where the student will intern, strengthening the bond between the student and the company and facilitating employment after graduation.
Click here for the Engineering Faculty Internship Guidelines
Click here for the 2025 Internship Presentation.
Click here for the Software Engineering Internship Guidelines and Steps
A.Before Summer Internship
Documents to Submit:
B. Summer Internship
C. After Summer Internship
Documents to Submit:
Things to do:
1. Course Registration (SENG200/SENG300)
2. Internship Report Submission (Before add/drop the latest)
3. Internship Evaluation Process and Grading of the Internship Course
“Active Intern” Program
In addition to theoretical background and laboratory studies, internship experience also has a very important place in the engineering education process. As the internship coordinator of the Software Engineering department, we have started the “Active Intern” program to help our 2nd and 3rd year students find the most suitable companies for an effective and productive summer internship.
In order to offer a qualified internship experience to our students with the “Active Intern” Program, our collaborations with companies that suit the students’ interests and have reached a certain maturity in terms of business processes and company culture, offer companies the opportunity to have direct access to trained human resources focused on a certain field. .
In addition, our other goal is to increase the synergy between stakeholders through university-industry cooperation and contribute to strengthening the national innovation ecosystem.
The companies listed below give priority to our department’s students. You can submit your applications individually.
You can contact us regarding your cooperation requests and questions.
Our Active Intern Program Business Partners: